Welcome to West Wycombe Preschool


Cheese and Vegetable Muffins

This half term we have enjoyed making vegetable and cheese muffins. We have learnt to chop, whisk, measure and grate our ingredients. See our recipe below to try them at home yourselves.


Star Biscuits

We have been getting all Christmassy with our yummy star shaped biscuits. The children are getting so good at weighing out and recognising lots of ingredients.


Love Heart Cookies

We have loved making special heart cookies for Valentines Day. The children enjoyed learning about different coloured sugars, learning to crack eggs and mixing ingredients to make dough.


Spicy Pakoras

The children have enjoyed making spicy pakoras as part of their Eid celebrations. We chopped cauliflower and spinach then peeled our own potatoes. We talked about different spices from around the world and enjoyed using different flavours in cooking.