Welcome to West Wycombe Preschool

Settling in Pre-School Policy

Settling in Pre-School Policy

Statement of Intent

We want children to feel safe and happy in Pre-school and to feel secure and comfortable with staff. We also want parents to have confidence in both their child’s well being and their role as active partners with the Pre-school.


To make Pre-school a welcome place where children settle quickly and easily because consideration has been given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families.


  • Before a child starts Pre-school, we provide parents with information. Each family is given a copy of the Pre-school prospectus including our terms and conditions and parents are made aware of our policies which are available on our website.
  • Before a child starts, we provide opportunities for the child and their parents to visit the Pre-school as well as offering a home visit. This enables them to take part in our sessions and be introduced to their child’s key person.
  • Through conversations with parents the key person will try & gain as much information about the child and their family before they start, this information will be recorded and incorporated into their baseline assessment and/or 2 year developmental check where appropriate.
  • We work with their parents to decide on the best way to help the child to settle into the pre-school.

?        We express to parents that all children are individuals and that each child will settle at a different rate.

  • All families are encouraged to complete the ‘All About Me’ section on Tapestry before starting at the Preschool.

This policy was adopted by West Wycombe Pre-school Playgroup in October 2013.  Policies are updated when necessary and reviewed on a yearly basis.

Reviewed August 2023