Ofsted Outstanding Provider High Wycombe
Our last Ofsted report was carried out on 2nd March 2022 and we are proud to say we achieved OUTSTANDING in every area.
Ofsted commented:
- The inspirational manager has embedded a rigorous system to support and monitor the development of staff. She coaches and mentors staff to help them confidently perform to their full potential. The manager and her deputy observe staff teaching and strive for excellence for children. The senior team meets regularly with staff to discuss their progress and general well-being. All staff say they enjoy working at the pre-school and feel exceptionally valued.
- Parents have the utmost praise for the pre-school. Parents comment on the team’s dedication during the COVID-19 pandemic. They particularly valued the range of learning materials and activities provided by the staff to support families during this time. For example, staff provided children with activity packs. This supports parents to be involved in children’s learning.
- Staff are especially caring towards the children and create an extremely nurturing environment. New children settle remarkably quickly. This is supported by exceptional information obtained ahead of children starting. In addition, staff undertake home visits to meet the children and their families. Children follow the respectful behaviour modelled by staff and are consistently kind and helpful to each other.
- Support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is outstanding. Staff go above and beyond to secure timely interventions and target support for individual children at the earliest opportunity. This contributes to the rapid and substantial progress that all children make over short periods.
- Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, staff have placed a sharp emphasis on supporting children to manage their feelings and emotions. For example, staff have introduced new companion dolls. This is contributing towards children’s increased self-control, confidence and ability to form exceptional relationships with others.
- All staff plan an extremely well-sequenced and broad curriculum. This is based on an accurate understanding of the needs of the children. Staff expertly and consistently extend children’s learning, including those children in receipt of additional funding. Staff skilfully nurture the skills children need to be ready for the next stage in their learning. For instance, children serve their own food and drinks at snack time. Older children show great confidence in being able to put their own coats and boots on.
- The pre-school is a highly valued part of the community. Staff use their local contacts extremely well to help children begin to understand different people and the world around them. They invite a variety of visitors to the pre-school to give children rich learning experiences. This includes stories read by the Reception teacher from the local school and a visit from a Shetland pony to support their veterinary theme. In addition, children enjoyed visits from a paramedic and the lollipop lady when they were learning about ‘people who help us’.
Ofsted Number – EY549960
To read our previous inspection please follow the link https://files.api.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/2630827