Welcome to West Wycombe Preschool


Welcome to West Wycombe Pre-School!

We hope that your child will be very happy here, and that you will be happy with the care and education your child receives.

We are a committee led Pre-school, which means that we are run by you, the parents, and we cannot exist without your input; so be prepared to get involved.

The committee is currently made up of parents

Meet your committee

Susie Chester
Chair/Safe Guarding Officer

Elected Sept 19
I am passionate about our Preschool and our wonderful community. I am freelance Graphic Designer with 3 children. I have interest in Music and Creativity

Child at WW Preschool - 1980s

Parent at WW Preschool - 2016 - 2022

When I was a child...
I wanted to be a lorry driver

Jacob Jull

Elected Nov 21

Kate Diston
Joint Secretary

Elected Nov 22

Jon Hale

Elected Oct 23

Hannah Jacques

Elected Oct 23

Jodie Lewis

Elected Oct 23

Alessandra Frigerio

Elected Oct 23

Katherine Baynard
Melanie Hastings

Elected Nov 23


AGM November 2021

October 2021

May 2021

No April Meeting

March 2021

February 2021


December 2020

November 2020

AGM October 2020

12th October 2020

13 January 2020


21 October 2019

7th October 2019

AGM 30th Sept

16th September 2019