Welcome to West Wycombe Preschool



Caterpillars Everywhere!

We have enjoyed welcoming 30 wriggly caterpillars to pre-school and the children have loved watching them turn into cocoons. We have played caterpillar number games, made caterpillar paper chains, caterpillar arts and crafts and junk modelling. We can not wait to see how many turn in to beautiful butterflies!



Princess At Play!

Every princess needs some down time & this shot shows just that. We are open to all children accessing all our resources, dolls are for both boys & girls as are the bikes, cars & train tracks. Using imagination, hand-eye co-ordination & design, the track that was finally created was amazing.



World Book Day

After the snow stopped us celebrating World Book Day, we changed the date, popped on our dressing up costumes & had a wonderful day. Surrounded by fantastic stories, predicting & changing the story endings & sharing our favourite stories, we had a great day.



Hatching at Pre-School

Such excitement as the children arrived every morning to see how our little fluffy friends were getting on. Handling them took  gentle hands & a quiet atmosphere!  What a huge learning opportunity for the children.  



fun in the garden

Digging holes with friends whilst all wrapped up was great fun today! The girls worked seamlessly together to make their holes & were very proud of themselves.  



Threading in Nature

Threading is a great tool to assist hand-eye co-ordination. Rather than using paper & card, we often give the children exciting media to explore, including wire racks & leaves, as seen below. The conversations that followed this shot were of healthy plants & what they need to grow & what keeps us healthy & growing […]



Transporting Uphill

How can we transport the sand from the bottom of our ramp to the top, with minimum spillage? This question was given to our children & they were happy to locate resources to aid their mission. Their team work, conversational & listening skills & determination were all put to the test as they worked out the […]
