Welcome to West Wycombe Preschool

How much we have raised?



Raised to date


Buckinghamshire Lottery

Raised to date


Give as 
You Live

Raised to date


Bags 2

Raised to date


We are aiming to raise £5000 this year. How we planning to do it? Have a look at the events below to find out more.

How Much We Raised

Coffee Morning – September – £88.33

Encanto Cinema  – October £218.55

Halloween Lantern Sales – £177

Christmas Card Commission – £66.50

Coffee Morning – December – £22.50

Festive Fayre – £251.10

Christmas Carols – £89.19

Mince Pie Sales – £11.17

Muddy Puddle Walk – January

Quiz Night?

Kids Valentines Disco – February

Readathon – March

Mothers Day Treats

Easter Dance – March

Muddy Walk – April

Stall – Circus – May

Fete – June

Fathers Day – June

Sports Days – June

Village Fete – July

Class Photos – July

£ 0
From September 2022 - August 2023

"WOW, huge thank you to
those who have donated"