Statement of Intent
It is our intention to make our Pre-school accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community and promote a pre-school environment which provides the best possible learning environment for all.
We aim to ensure that all sections of our community have access to the Pre-school through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.
- We ensure that the existence of the Pre-school is widely advertised in places accessible to all sections of the community.
- We ensure that information about our Pre-school is accessible and where appropriate, in different languages. Where necessary, we will try to provide information in Braille, or through signing or an interpreter. We embrace British values.
- We are legally bound to meet the requirements of the EYFS framework & OFSTED regulations.
- In the event of demand outstripping availability; we reserve the right to allocate placements on a first come first served basis and a waiting list will be recorded and updated regularly to reflect this. Children who are the correct age for admission will be given priority over those on the waiting list who are not yet the correct age for starting pre-school.
- West Wycombe Pre-school is a registered charity and a non-profitable organisation. Places cannot be held for a family for any longer than half a term as the financial impact upon the setting would make us unsustainable.
- Children in need will become our priority as will those with 2 year funding, pupil premium & those living within the catchment area for West Wycombe Combined School. Priority for places will go to families already attending the setting.
- We offer spaces to children from 2 years of age up until 4 years. We offer a minimum of 4 sessions per week to enable children to settle with us and receive the full benefit of their time at pre-school. This is at the discretion of the Manager should there be extenuating circumstances.
- We reserve a small number of places for government funded 2 year olds who will be allowed to start at pre-school the term after their 2nd
- Flexible Free Entitlement is applicable from the term after the child’s 3rd birthday or if entitled to 2 year funding when they start and if there is a space at the pre-school.
- An eligibility code will need to be seen, along with the entitlement letter – Eligibility entitlement for 2 year old funding and eligibility code for 3 year old funding.
- Unfunded hours will be charged at £21 per session.
- The pre-school operates between 9am-3pm. With shorter sessions offered between 9am-12pm / 12pm-3pm.
- We may not always be able to offer as many days as requested. In this case your child’s name would be added to our internal waiting list.
- Siblings of children who have attended the Pre-School are given priority over the waiting list, however places cannot be held if the setting is running at full capacity.
- We are a multi floor, free flow setting. This means that children starting at the Preschool are required to be confident moving around the setting, this includes being able to walk up and down the stairs unassisted.
- We request a £50 admin fee to secure a child’s place with us.
- We describe our Pre-school and its practices in terms of how it treats individuals, regardless of their gender, special educational needs, disabilities, background, religion, ethnicity or competence in spoken English. We welcome fathers and mothers, other relations and other carers including child minders.
- We make our equality of opportunity policy widely known through our website.
- All places will be billed half termly and we accept a range of payment methods including childcare vouchers.
- To register their child for a place on our waiting list parents will be required to complete an Admission Record Form, Medical Record Form and Permissions Form.
- Once the manager has agreed a start date for the child a welcome pack will be sent out with an official letter confirming the child’s place.
- The welcome pack will also contain a prospectus, letter from the committee and a few notes for parents to help their child settle at pre-school.
- Once places have been offered in writing a half term notice period is required for any change of hours requested. Fees will be charged for the agreed booked hours during this notice period.
- Upon allocation of a place with West Wycombe Pre-School parents will be asked to sign the settings terms and conditions.
- Children will be offered a home visit with the child’s key person on a date which is mutually agreed by the child’s parents and key worker.
- Settling in visits will be booked with a start date to follow.
- For children speaking English as a second language their key person will request key words from parents to support the child’s development within the setting.
This policy was adopted by West Wycombe Pre-school Playgroup in October 2010 and updated when necessary reviewed on a yearly basis.
Reviewed and amended August 2023