Welcome to West Wycombe Preschool

Adverse Weather Policy

Adverse Weather Policy


Statement of Intent


During adverse weather conditions it is our intention to strive to provide uninterrupted provision of our high quality childcare and education service while upholding our duty to ensure the safety and welfare of the children, their families and staff.


We aim to achieve this by having clear procedures and definite criteria in place on which to make an informed decision when faced with possible closure.


The decision to close Pre-school shall be made using the following criteria:

  • Is the Pre-school building and its site safe?
  • If the Manager decides the Pre-school site can be made safer with salt being laid on the driveway and snow being moved then Pre-school may open later then 9am. This will be communicated with parents as soon as is possible via email or Pre-schools website/face book page and via the school closures website on https://closures.buckscc.gov.uk/
  • Is the garden centre car park safe to drive in and out of?
  • Our decision to close or remain open will often be taken alongside the school as many of our circumstances are shared, along with staff and siblings to take into account.
  • Is the temperature within Pre-school reasonable? Health and Safety legislation (The workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992 states….’during working hours, the temperature in all workplaces inside buildings shall be reasonable’.  The associated Approved Code of Practice says ‘the temperature in workrooms should provide reasonable comfort without the need for special clothing’.

The EYFS says, ‘rooms should be maintained at a temperature which ensures the comfort of the children and staff, including non-mobile children’.

  • Can reasonable steps be taken to achieve a temperature which is comfortable for both children and staff?
  • Can the Manager staff the sessions adequately? If staff are unable to get to work and ratios cannot be maintained we will not open the pre-school.
  • Are all essential amenities functioning effectively to maintain a safe environment for those within the setting e.g. water, electricity, heating.
  • Is it possible for staff and families to get to and from the Preschool safely, taking into account the condition of local roads.

The final decision will be a joint one between the Pre-school Manager and the Committee Chairperson.  The decision shall be reviewed on a day to day basis.


  • In the event of adverse weather forecast the Manager or Deputy will email all parents to communicate a closure and post details on our webpage/face book page.
  • Parents will be informed of any closure at the earliest possible opportunity.
  • If staff cannot find alternative childcare arrangements, then it may be possible for staff to bring their children into Pre-school.
  • Staff members need to make independent decisions on their ability to attend work in severe weather conditions.  Their safety is paramount and they should not put themselves at risk.


  • If you do not see on our Facebook page, or receive an email to inform you of closure then Pre-school is open.
  • Parents/carers need to make independent decisions on their ability to reach Pre-school in adverse weather conditions. The safety of the children and their families is paramount and they should not put themselves at risk.
  • If the decision is made to close Pre-school, a refund of fees will be offered after closure of 2 consecutive days.
  • If the Pre-school is open and children do not attend fees will still be charged.

This policy will also be applied when the Pre-school is faced with adverse conditions beyond our control such as burst pipes, broken heating etc.

This policy was adopted by West Wycombe Pre-school Playgroup in October 2011 and updated when necessary and reviewed on a yearly basis.

Reviewed August 2023