Welcome to West Wycombe Preschool

Equipment and Resources Policy

Statement of Intent

We believe that high quality education and care is promoted by providing children with safe, clean, attractive, age and stage appropriate resources, toys and equipment.


To provide a range of safe and well maintained resources and equipment that meets the varying needs of children and promotes all areas of learning.


  • We provide play equipment and resources which are safe and — where applicable — conform to the BS EN safety standards for Toys (Safety) Regulation (1995).
  • Our daily risk assessments ensure that equipment is safe
  • Equipment & resources(where appropriate) are cleaned on a regular basis, usually termly but more frequent if required    
  • We provide a sufficient quantity of equipment and resources for the number of children.
  • We select books, equipment and resources which show positive images of people of all races, cultures and abilities, and ensure they avoid racial and gender stereotyping.
  • We provide play equipment and resources which promote continuity and progression, provide sufficient challenge and meet the needs and interests of all children.
  • We provide man-made, natural and recycled materials which are clean, in good condition and safe for the children to use.
  • We provide furniture which is suitable for children.
  • Where possible resources and equipment are available so children can independently choose and select them.
  • We plan the provision of activities and appropriate resources so that a balance of familiar and new exciting challenges is offered.
  • We offer open ended resources, allowing children to change/adapt an activity to their preference.
  • We plan our activities to ensure that we promote equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice.
  • We use the local library to complement our resources.
  • An inventory is used to record the Pre-schools equipment/resources, this is updated annually and used to determine areas requiring improvement.
  • We provide adequate insurance cover for the Pre-school’s resources and equipment.
  • Equipment Inventory kept in Planning File

This policy was adopted by West Wycombe Pre-school Playgroup in October 2010. Policies are updated when necessary and reviewed on a yearly basis.

Reviewed August 2023