Welcome to West Wycombe Preschool

Health and Safety Policy

Incident Contact Centre
Caerphilly Business Park
CF83 3GG
Tel 0845 3009923
Or by completing the online form at
We keep a record in our Accident Book of:
The date & method of reporting
Date of the incident
Time & place of the incident
Personal details of those involved
A brief description of the incident
Any treatment given
The signature of the member of staff present
Details of any witness
Signature of the parent of any child involved
Our policy for the exclusion of ill or infectious children is discussed
with parents. This includes procedures for contacting parents – or
other authorised adults – if a child becomes ill at pre-school. (Sick
Child Policy)
Safety of Adults
Adults are provided with guidance about the safe storage,
movement, lifting and erection of large pieces of equipment.
The sickness of staff and their involvement in accidents is recorded.
The records are reviewed termly to identify any issues which need
to be addressed.
In accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years
Foundation Stage, we keep records of:
Adults authorised to collect children from Pre-school.
The names, addresses and telephone numbers of emergency
contacts in case of children’s illness or accident.
The allergies, dietary requirements and illnesses of individual
The times of attendance of children, staff, volunteers and visitors
In addition, the following policies and documentation in relation to health
and safety are in place.
Risk assessments
Record of visitors
Fire safety procedures
Fire safety records and certificates
Operational procedures for outings
Health – Administration of medication
Prior parental consent to administer medicine
Record of the administration of medicines
Prior parental consent for emergency treatment
Accident record
Sick children
No smoking policy both in building and grounds. Staff are not
permitted to smoke whilst wearing clothing they will then wear into
the Preschool.
This policy was adopted by West Wycombe Pre-school Playgroup in
October 2013. Policies are updated when necessary and reviewed on a
yearly basis.
Reviewed and amended January 2024