Outings Policy
Statement of Intent
Our Pre-school believes that delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is enhanced by making planned outings that provide unique experiences with regard to the Early Learning Goals.
To ensure all children can access a wealth of experience whilst remaining safe.
● Local outings/walks within the community occur regularly, parents are notified via weekly updates, where possible, and signed consent is obtained on registration forms.
● Outings will be arranged on varying days to allow all children to access the experiences.
● Ratios are determined by children’s age and stage of development.
● Staff must decide between them who is responsible for which child/ren and ensure they uphold that responsibility throughout the trip.
● A minimum of two staff members must be present when out on a walk with the children.
● A full risk assessment is undertaken before any off-site visit. Children will never be put at risk.
● A staff member will be allocated to walk at the back of the group to check that no children are left behind or unsupervised.
● Children will be regularly counted and checked against the daily register, a copy of which will be taken on the outing.
● Parents who join for the walk will be signed in on the staff register and must take responsibility for their child/ren whilst out for the walk.
● The outings bag must be taken for EVERY walk and must include the first aid kit, any medication required for the children present, a change of clothes, baby wipes, nappy sacks and a spare nappy. A small bottle of water must also be available to aid with any first aid or if a drink is required.
● A first aid kit will be taken on every outing and a qualified first aider will always be within the group. Any specialist medication will also be carried.
● The Pre-school mobile phone which contains emergency contact telephone numbers will be carried at all times and at least one member of staff will be encouraged to take their own mobile for emergency use only.
- Photos taken on walks should be taken in the usual way, using tablets from within the setting. The exception to this is when a DSO attends the walk and they are able to take photographs on a personal mobile phone for the specific use of photos on Social Media (where there is parental permission) or to put onto Tapestry for parent information purposes. These photos must then be deleted from the personal mobile once they have been uploaded, and at the latest within that working day.
- All parents should note the pre-school emergency phone number is This is the number which will call parents if children have had an emergency situation whilst out or due to a fire.
● Parents will be required to sign a consent form for major trips and will be notified of items that the children may be required to bring.
● Permission for day to day walks will be obtained via each child’s admission record forms.
Our outings coordinator is Claire Kettle
This policy was adopted by West Wycombe Pre-school Playgroup in October 2013. Policies are updated when necessary and reviewed on a yearly basis.
Reviewed and amended August 2023