Statement of Intent
At West Wycombe preschool it is essential that all children, staff & parents feel safe. This policy details the actions taken if a staff member feels the necessity to upscale a concern within the team.
To empower staff to upscale a concern regarding a team member, to help & protect staff & children. By following the procedure you are acting to prevent a problem getting worse, safeguard children & reduce potential risk to others.
- If any adults suspect that a member of the pre-school staff has been involved in any form of abuse involving a child & decides to whistle blow the situation that is their right & their duty. These suspicions should be reported in the first instance to the designated person for child protection within the setting. If the concern was to involve that person, the matter should be raised with the committee’s safe guarding officer, Susie Chester in the strictest confidence.
- staff may choose not express their concerns because they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues, therefore the whistle blowing policy is in place to provide anonymity
- Concerns that should be raised via the Whistle Blowing Policy may be in relation to the actions/behaviours of other staff, students or volunteers, or about something that is perceived as: unlawful/failing to comply with the setting’s policy and procedures/poor practice/improper conduct.
- If the whistle blowing concern has been brought to the attention of the pre-school manager who is the Child Protection Officer or a member of the committee the allegation will be upscaled to the LADO.
- If the whistleblower feels unable to speak with either of these people, they should raise their concerns directly with the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) themselves on:
Tel: 01296 382070, or use the Ofsted helpline for whistle blowing. Tel: 0300 123 1231 or by emailing secure-LADO@buckscc.gov.uk
LADO’s opening hours are 9-5:30 Monday to Thursday, 9-5 on a Friday.
- Any issues regarding, but not limited to theft or inappropriate &/or threatening behaviours should also follow the whistle blowing policy.
- Staff member accused will be informed of the allegation & removed from the setting, pending further investigation.
- LADO will be informed & their protocol will be followed. Ofsted will also be notified.
- Support will be offered to the staff member, however the children remain our priority.
Records will be kept of the allegation & of further proceedings. These will remain confidential under safeguarding guidelines.
This whistle blowing policy was written for West Wycombe preschool in September 2015
Reviewed August 2023